Location: Somewhere only we know, Distant Land

Me's a whole lot of things that even I find amusing... I'm definitely a romantic and I advocate honesty at all costs

Monday, August 07, 2006

Back to Singletons'

Well here we are again! the familiar feeling of wanting and not getting. The crossroads where we've parted ways. I guess i knew it was coming. We had been going back and forth over the same issues lately. I had a last chance to save it on friday but i let it go. I guess I know why...the sacred choice between heart and duty. It may hurt (and believe me, it did) but I was doing him no further good. I can't move forward with him (and i so want to move forward) and i cant let him give it all up. It just isn't done.
So we did the honourable thing, more like i did the honourable, painful, partly sad, very wise thing. So here is mademouiselle Teva single and very hurt! hurt she imposed on herself anyways. Its all good.
Its amazing how i never fall for the simple guys, the nerdie-good-kind...nooo! na...i've got to go find me the 'trobule' kind, the ones with non-relenting ex's, the ones with 'its-not-my-fault-i-did-it,-i'm-a-guy' kind of tales for all their mistakes, ones with really complex issues....maybe i should see a shrink!
Better yet, maybe i should be like my aunt V. Single, content, and pushing forty! (don't think i have the nerve for that) [shrugs] i'd love to have kids and I can not put them throught the pain of being raised without a father. so here we are back to square one...the single's circle!
Even though it hurt, i feel peace towards him, and i know he's a good guy inside and i wish him well...
now its time for me to be silent and heal.....


Blogger Miguel said...

Tevalistic Teva or not Teva ... hey i know its easy to say but difficult to practice but trust me when i say give to God that you've broken up ..all that means is the right guy is inching closer...

7:27 PM  

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