Location: Somewhere only we know, Distant Land

Me's a whole lot of things that even I find amusing... I'm definitely a romantic and I advocate honesty at all costs

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

positive thinkin-

Hi guys,
Before i get all girlish and val-fanatical, i'd like to remind us of a little thing called positive thinking. Now i'm sure most of you have read the book by Norman Vincent P_____ on it but today i received some new insight on the topic.
Positive thinking that works isnt a function of our conscious minds, its not our head (that does the math) that analyses and thinks positively but our subconscious mind.
Truth be told, i had an old high school friend who only called me once in my entire four years in uni. The day he called, we spent a couple of minutes with idle chats and then he asked after my grades and I told him i was standing in-between a first and 2'1. He made this statement that seemed to haunt me everytime i look at my transcript, he said 'T, you can make a first if you want to. the only reason you are "in between" is because you have decided whether you want it."
I immediately dismissed it, laughing at his cheap psychology and told him that i did want a first, and that i intend to get it allbe it.
When he got off the line, it seemed like he had diagnosed some part of me i wasn't facing. I didnt make a first. My pals were really shocked, they blamed my new boyfriend for distracting me (a big lie, i was a control-freak then, so he couldnt get me to do anything i didnt want to)
And in the midst of their diagnosis, i'd always seem to quietly ask myself, did i really truly desire this??? Or am i handed what i didnt mouth but internally craved??

I saw this video on google (I couldnt upload it, so here's the LINK )and one of the speakers said something that struck me. "...many of us can describe vividly what we dont want to happen, but when asked what we want, we cant paint a clear image of what we desire"
unfortunately, this means all our subconscious mind has to work on are our fears and thats what manifests in our lives...Its proved by science but scripture had it pegged ages ago. You all know the story of Job, the richest man in the east. He wasnt tempted by God, He said "The things i've greatly feared have come upon me.." in Job 3:25.

So tonight folks, lets ask ourselves one question, 'what is my subconscious mind thinking of?' Because whatever it is you are thinking about, that's what you are going to be...
Have a fabulous valentine's day!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were a control freak BACK THEN? you are still a control freak your blog... hiss*** (eyes rolling, fly just got into one)

3:26 PM  
Blogger Cherub (former Bijouxoxo) said...

God bless u for this post o. Sometimes we focus so much on our fears, that it cripples us from thinking big and being all that God wants us to be. Like Job's case it gets so bad to the extent that the things we fear the most come upon us and even if they don't we act as if they were. If u remember, Job was such a pious man that after his kids went feasting, he'd offer burnt offering unto God just in case they sinned and cursed God. He was in such fear that even went there was not trouble, he feared it.

11:49 PM  

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